Celebrate New Beginnings

The transition from summer to fall brings new beginnings. Jewish people around the world will soon celebrate the Jewish New Year, a time of self-reflection and renewed commitment. In the lead-up to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, they will also contemplate the changes they want to make in their lives and in the world. The challenges can feel insurmountable and it can be easy to say, “someone else will do it” or “it’s too much for me.”
One example is the overwhelming feeling that can come from engaging with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Many of us feel frustrated or bewildered or hurt by the situation, and while we may want to take action, it’s hard to know how to do so in a meaningful and constructive way.
Boston Partners for Peace is an initiative that provides a road map for people in Boston looking to make meaningful, positive, and lasting change for Israelis and Palestinians. We come together to support grassroots organizations – comprised of Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs and Palestinians that aim to alleviate the long-term conflict. The NGOs you’ll find on this site channel their diverse perspectives into productive cooperation. Our community-wide effort is aimed at creating opportunities for us in Boston to live our values by supporting the individuals who are creating the conditions for peace to take root.
This year as you consider what you hope to achieve in the year ahead, we hope that you will commit to getting involved with Boston Partners for Peace and the NGOs we support. You can attend an event or host representatives from these inspiring organizations to hear about peace efforts while getting a chance to meet your like-minded neighbors. We also offer opportunities for you to volunteer with an NGO and build lasting relationships.
Boston Partners for Peace supports causes that bring people together. As we enter this season of reflection, let’s challenge ourselves to engage directly with Israelis and Palestinians on these complex issues. Wishing all of us a happy and sweet New Year.